7 Reasons Why Apple Seed Oil is Good for Your Skin

Why Apple Seed Oil is Good for Your Skin

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, you must have heard this saying.

But did you know another phrase might bloom about apple, or apple seed oil, to be precise?

We are all aware of the impressive health profile of apples. Nutritionally dense, they are good for your heart and gut health. They also have been linked to a lower risk of diabetes.

Many studies also suggest that regular consumption of apples may prevent cancer and help in weight loss. All in all, this fiber-filled fruit offers a lot for your body.

But as you bite deep into an apple, you find something not so sweet in its core — the apple seed. Only a few know that the oil of these apple seeds also contains brilliant properties good for your health. It is gaining popularity for restorative and cosmetic purposes.

In this article, we will dive deep into how apple seed oil benefits your skin. Keep reading.

1. Nourishes Your Skin

Apple seed oil is rich in nutrients and contains n-6 linoleic acid (omega 6) and vitamin E. It also has essential fatty acids, other essential vitamins, and antioxidants.

While your skin oil already has vitamin E, its production declines naturally with age. Using Vitamin-E enriched apple seed oil protects your skin from losing moisture and keeps your skin soft and supple.

The other nutrients mentioned above also work to strengthen your skin barrier and improve the appearance of your dry skin. Like vitamin E, a lot of them cannot be made by the body after a point. Hence, you must supply them with nutritionally-rich skincare.

2. Makes Your Skin Soft

Skin needs lipid content to be soft. If it does not have sufficient lipid content on its surface, it can appear dull, dry, and rough. Apple seed oil contains fatty acids, including n-6 linoleic acid, n-9 oleic acid, and palmitic acid. These act as emollients that are well-known to keep your skin soft.

Emollients fill in the gaps in the skin barrier and soften it. They also give your skin a healthier look.

Along with keeping your skin soothing, emollients also provide moisture and support the skin’s barrier function. They are known to condition your skin, making it smooth, restoring its suppleness, and improving its elasticity.

Moreover, apple seed oil is a light oil that your skin absorbs quickly. So it stays moisturized all the time and thus smooth.

3. Strengthens Your Skin Barrier

Your skin barrier is the outermost layer of your skin that you can see and touch on the surface of your body. You can think of it as a brick wall that protects the inner layers of skin.

When the skin barrier is healthy, it feels and appears smooth, soft, and plump. When it’s not, it becomes dry, rough, dull, and dehydrated, and may become irritated and inflamed.

Apple seeds contain several kinds of fatty acids that help in keeping the skin barrier healthy. It has 60% linoleic acid, 30% oleic acid, and 9% palmitic acid. These all help the skin retain moisture.

4. Protects Your Skin Against Damage

Apple seed oil is a rich antioxidant that can protect your skin against free radical damage.

To understand what radical damage is, let’s get to know about free radicals. They are unstable molecules or atoms that can damage skin cells. They can destroy your cells and tissues and accelerate skin aging. Normal aging, daily environmental damage – such as UV radiation from the sun and air pollution, and other uncontrollable factors can cause free radicals.

Antioxidants neutralize unstable free radicals and protect your skin.

5. Activates Collagen Production

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It plays an important role in building and supporting many tissues, from bones and cartilage to the skin, hair, eyes, and the digestive system.

However, as you age, your body produces less collagen, starting in your thirties and forties. It weakens your skin cells and results in dry skin and the formation of wrinkles.

Apple seed oil contains compounds that stimulate collagen synthesis in the skin. It imparts elasticity and softness to the skin. As a result, your skin better holds onto moisture and does not look dull and lifeless.

Read: 7 Ways How Collagen Can Benefit Your Skin

6. Facilitates UV-Rich Filtering

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is electromagnetic radiation that comes from the sun and man-made sources like tanning beds and welding torches. These rays can damage skin cells and cause them to age. They can cause wrinkles and are also thought to play a role in skin cancers.

To protect your skin from harmful sun rays and UV radiation, dermatologists recommend sunscreen. But instead of using store-bought sunscreens, you can use apple seed oil. They have natural UV filtration properties that protect skin against damage caused by the harsh rays of the sun.

7. Provides Shine and Strength to Your Skin

Apple seed oil acts as a shine-enhancing oil with its protective and softening texture. In recent trends, models have started to apply this oil before a photo shoot to give their bodies an extra sheen and gloss. It’s known to give your skin a rejuvenated look.

Moreover, apple seed oil not only imparts shine to your skin but also strengthens it. It is why this oil has become popular among beauty facilities. Massage parlors and centers for different skin therapies find it useful for treatments. Additionally, it is also used as an active ingredient in facial products and face packs for its skin-renewing property.


Apple seed oil is an incredible skin product, and you should try using it.

However, please remember to do a patch test before using it since it may not suit everyone. Especially people who are allergic to apples, strawberries, almonds, apricots, peaches, and plums should avoid using this oil.

For those who use it and find it beneficial, keep it in mind to use it in moderation.

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