Dehydrated Skin VS Dry Skin: The Differences and Remedy

Dehydrated Skin VS Dry Skin

A lot of people have the wrong perception and think that having dehydrated skin means having dry skin. Both dehydrated and dry skin may seem to be the same, but they are two different phenomena.

And in this guide, we will talk about the differences between dehydrated skin and dry skin, how to differentiate both situations, and the remedy to overcome both problems…

What is the difference between dehydrated skin and dry skin?

Dehydrated skin and dry skin may sound the same, but they are two different skin concerns and must be dealt with in separate ways. Let’s have a closer look at these topics. 

Dehydrated Skin 

Dehydrated Skin 

The term dehydration is undoubtedly not one that you’ll find strange. Dehydration, in literal terms, means to lack hydration in the body. It’s especially common in the summers, and the best solution is to drink water at regular intervals often. 

Unlike dry skin, dehydrated skin is basically a skin condition. When the skin is highly dehydrated, it starts producing oil to compensate for the lack of water in its cells. This is never a permanent condition but the result of one’s lifestyle choices. 

Dry Skin 

Dry Skin 

You would have indeed come across the 4 common skin types – oily, dry, combination, and normal. Skin types are highly a result of one’s genetics and can also be changed by the usage of various products. 

Also, by the effects of the climate, one’s skin type can easily change. For example, winter often makes the skin dry due to the change in temperature, which is why you always require a moisturizer at such times. As you read earlier that dehydrated skin produces a lot of oil on your skin, this isn’t the case in dry skin. 

The sebaceous glands do not secrete enough sebum on dry skin, resulting in loss of moisture in skin lipids. Lipids are natural fats that strengthen the skin barriers to protect them from outside damage. So when these lipids are not functioning well, your skin gets exposed to the atmosphere.

Signs of Dehydrated Skin

Signs of Dehydrated Skin

By getting well aware of the symptoms and signs of dehydrated skin, you can quickly look for the appropriate cure for its treatment. Pinch your cheek, and if your skin doesn’t feel elastic or a bit bouncy, it is a dehydrated one. Some easily identifiable symptoms of dehydrated skin are:

  • Dark Circles: When you wake up and realize that you have extensive dark circles under your eyes and can not search for its cause, it is dehydration. Since dehydrated skin cannot maintain a healthy blood flow, it results in sunken eyes.
  • Itchy Skin: You experience irritation in dehydrated skin mainly when your skin undergoes harsh weather conditions and excessive sweat.
  • Shadow under the nose: The indentation around your nose area might signify that you are having dehydrated skin since it becomes dark and shadowy.

Signs of Dry Skin

Signs of Dry Skin

Similar to the way dehydrated skin has its own symptoms, there are also certain signs by which you can identify if you have dry skin. These are:

  • Cracked Skin: Especially found on the heels and elbows on one’s body. At times, the dry skin also experiences bleeding when cracked, primarily in the lips.
  • Patchy Skin: This is the result of a prolonged lack of moisture. Unlike dehydrated skin, dry skin changes its texture into patchy when not taken care of.
  • Burning Sensation: Excessive dry skin is the foremost reason for increased skin sensitivity which can often lead to burning sensations with the application of certain skin products.

Remedy for Dehydrated Skin and Dry Skin

Dehydrated Skin

There are various cures that can help treat dehydrated skin – facial mists are one of them. The other remedies for the same are:

  • Moisturizing Cleansers:
    When you use soap or harsh cleansers, your skin’s hydration gets stripped off, and it becomes prone to excessive dullness. An effective remedy is to switch over gentle and moisturizing cleansers that make your skin hydrated along with cleansing it. The best ones are considered to be Gel-based and Water-based cleansers.
  • Maintain your body’s hydration level:
    There are only a limited amount of solutions by which you can treat your dehydrated skin from outside. However, the most effective solution to treat dehydrated skin is to drink water and maintain your body’s hydration levels. Try to limit your caffeine and alcohol intake and avoid prolonged exposure of your skin to air-conditioned spaces.
  • Include essences in your skincare routine:
    Essences are relatively lightweight like all the facial toners but are without the mattifying effects. It’s always recommended to apply once you are done with cleansing to replace whatever moisture loss the face wash had caused.

Dry Skin

Dry skin can cause a huge impediment to your appearance. With the skin becoming flaky and rough, you are required to look after it attentively. Hydration of the skin is the ultimate goal to be achieved in such a case. Some of the most effective and result-oriented remedies for dry skin include:

  • An Exfoliating Routine:
    Dry skin often consists of various dead cells, which can actually cut off the moisture of the skin cells. Use either a physical or chemical exfoliant at least twice a week to slough off all your dead skin cells and to maintain radiant as well as fresh skin.
  • Improve your showering Habits:
    Avoid hot water baths as much as you can in order to avoid irritating and burning your skin. Ensure to use gentle and fragrance-free cleansers that do not have a dangerous impact on your sensitized skin.
  • Use Thick creams:
    It’s always preferred to use thick creams instead of lotions in the case of dry skin. Since lotions are thin and creams are thicker, they look in the moisture and keep your skin glowed up all the time.
  • Consult a dermatologist:
    At times, dry skin conditions can get worse, and treating such skin concerns on your own is not an appropriate solution. Consult a dermatologist at such a time to protect your skin from further damage.

Here is your complete guide to becoming a know-all when it comes to dry skin vs. dehydrated skin. With these effective remedies, you can now fight and win over these skin issues with ease.

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