How Does Vitiligo Start and What Are the Symptoms

How Does Vitiligo Start and What Are the Symptoms

Nearly 2% of the world’s population is affected by vitiligo. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is a skin disorder in which the person loses its original skin color.

Initially, there was a misconception that this condition is more prevalent in people of color but the truth is it’s just more noticeable in those who have darker skin due to the contrast in skin shades. There is no one fixed area of the body where these white patches start appearing. For some, it starts with hands while others would see a small white patch appearing on their face.

Various medical reports have suggested, noticing discolored skin isn’t the first step in discovering that one has developed vitiligo. Some symptoms can be noted before seeing the actual white patch. Most people fail to recognize the early symptoms of vitiligo and they only start to notice it once they see irregularity in their skin color.

Does Vitiligo Start with One Spot?

Does Vitiligo Start with One Spot?

Many people often ask on the forums that how does Vitiligo start but the dilemma is it does not start in one specific way. If a person is observant then he may see one little “depigmented” dot as an early symptom but for many, it takes a small cluster. These spots are pale patches that occur due to no more melanin being present in that area.

Melanin is a pigment that is responsible for producing our natural skin color and it also protects skin from harmful UV rays. This is the reason why these white spots most often start appearing on the skin which has been exposed most to the skin i.e face, hands, arms, and legs.

Like anything with Vitiligo, these spots aren’t fixed areas to get the first spot, some people have also noticed the discolored patch in their belly button, armpit, and even groin area.

The structure of one’s vitiligo heavily depends on its type. Studies have shown there is two main type of Vitiligo – segmental vitiligo and nonsegmental vitiligo.

Nonsegmental Vitiligo: This is the most common kind of Vitiligo. It usually appears on both sides of the body. The most common places where Non-segmental vitiligo first starts showing are on hands, face, and feet. This kind of vitiligo has no limitations when it comes to affecting the area of the body. It can target a few places or the majority of the body.

Segmental Vitiligo: The discolored patches that appear due to Segmental Vitiligo only appear on one side of the body. It also starts forming early in life and can rapidly grow till two years. After this, it often stops on its own. In rare cases, it comes back after some years.

Can You Suddenly Develop Vitiligo?

Can You Suddenly Develop Vitiligo?

Anyone who’s above the age of 40 and hasn’t developed Vitiligo yet can relax. According to research, 10 to 30 is the most common age at which vitiligo starts showing. Anyone who gets it before the age of 10 and after the age of 40 comes under rare cases. That is the reason why above 40 is considered a rather safe zone, it’s highly unlikely to develop it after that age.

The popular belief is that that darker skin color is more exposed to this disease but that’s not entirely true. There is enough proof that suggests that every skin color is at risk, the problem is Vitiligo just stands out a lot more on some specific skin colors.

In recent years, doctors are trying their best to remove any certain age, race, gender associated with this disease. It will help people be more accepting of it and one specific community will not be marginalized because of it.

When it comes to suddenly developing Vitiligo, there are two main factors to consider i.e genetics and environment. If it runs in your family then there is a high chance you will have it.

One main thing to note is premature grey hair, it could be a symptom of Vitiligo, if it is something that you have then you need to consult a dermatologist. While talking about environmental factors, one cannot forget the role the sun plays in this. As mentioned before, white patches first start appearing on skin that has been exposed to the sun.

What Can Trigger Vitiligo?

What Can Trigger Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder which means the body cells mistakenly attack their part thinking it’s the intruder. When a set of specific cells called melanocytes completely dies vitiligo starts developing. Melanocytes are what provide color to hair and skin. While non-segmental vitiligo is often associated with this phenomenon, segmental vitiligo seems to have a different cause. It is mostly associated with some kind of disorder in the nervous system.

Unfortunately, doctors have not been able to find what exactly triggers it. There have been many theories that have been presented after studying the existing cases. The majority of the vitiligo cases are associated with an autoimmune disorder. There is no way to know when your own white cells will start attacking melanocytes. The imbalance that attack will create would be the root cause of vitiligo.

Autoimmune disorder and genetics are mostly the reason behind Vitiligo but in some cases, three other things have also been said to be the culprit behind it.

Severe Sunburn: If your skin has been exposed to the sun for a long time without any layer of protection like sunscreen, then it is vulnerable to a plethora of skin disorders. This is why investing in a good screen with high SPF is a must for everyone.

Chemical Use: If you are someone who works around chemicals then it could be a matter of concern. If the toxic material is not handled properly then it could become a cause behind triggering vitiligo.

Extreme Stress: The stressful lifestyle of today cannot be discounted as a fact behind causing a skin disorder. Extreme mental pressure can cause irregularities in one’s body which in result can end up triggering a skin disorder.

Vitiligo Symptoms and Signs – How Can You Tell If You Have Vitiligo?

Vitiligo Symptoms and Signs - How Can You Tell If You Have Vitiligo?

The worst thing about Vitiligo is that it is only detected when it starts appearing on your skin. It doesn’t have a preventative test that could help ease your worry about developing it. Another thing that doesn’t help much is that no two cases of Vitiligo are the same. Whatever people suffering from it have reported over time gets added to the list of signs to look out for.

One of the very obvious symptoms of Vitiligo is the sudden appearance of white patches on your skin. If you start noticing discolored patches anywhere on your body then it is best to consult a dermatologist immediately. Don’t think that a pea-sized white patch is meaningless, these marks are known to grow over time.

Another thing that is commonly happening with Vitiligo is white hair. If you suffering from premature grey hair either on your head or in your beard, then it could be leading up to something more. In very few cases, physical discomforts like hearing issues and eye problems are also said to be a side-effect of Vitiligo.

Are All White Patches Vitiligo?

Are All White Patches Vitiligo?

Since the first step of detecting Vitiligo is noticing a white patch it is totally understandable why every discolored sport would be a cause of concern. The truth is that not every discolored mark is Vitiligo, it’s always good to get it checked though.

Many times people get stressed by spotting a small white mark. The only way to make sure that it’s not Vitiligo is to find out what it actually is.

Birth Marks: If you notice small white marks on your newborn baby then there is a high chance that those are just birthmarks and not Vitiligo. However, these marks should appear quite early on, like a few days or a few months at most. If your child has already been one year old and then the spots start developing then it is really possible that those are not birthmarks.

IGH (Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis): Extreme sun exposure is almost a guarantee for some kind of skin disorder. The spots on sun-exposed skin areas don’t always point towards Vitiligo sometimes they can be IGH. The way to differentiate between the two is to look at their size. IGH marks are usually under 5mm in diameter whereas the marks caused by Vitiligo don’t have a specific size.

Hyperpigmentation: Hyperpigmentation is also something that is a by-product of exposing skin to the sun for a long time. From aging to hormonal issues anything can trigger hyperpigmentation. The main difference between this and vitiligo is the color of the spots. In HP, dark-colored spots start appearing on your skin whereas in Vitiligo it’s a white-colored spot.

The definite answer to how vitiligo starts is still not found but there are ways in which its progression can be slowed down. It is always great to find a doctor early on, who will guide you throughout the process of navigating Vitiligo.

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