10 Best Foods for Natural Skin Repair According to Expert

best food for skin repair

Who doesn’t want clear, shiny, and glowing skin? We run behind skincare products that are available in abundance in the market. However, the first rule to healthy skin is minding what you put in your tummy.

Your diet impacts how you look. If you are not eating right, your skin will show it — now or later. Too much oily food can result in a red pimple on your face the next day. Too much coffee or alcohol consumption can become the secret behind your dull or aging skin.

If certain food can have a deterrent effect on your skin, there have got to be superfoods that can solve your skin problem. In this guide, we are listing the dermatologist-approved best foods for the skin.

So, here are our 10 best foods for natural skin repair according to dermatologists…

1. Berries

berries good for skin

Berries are not just the most delicious fruits but also one of the healthiest. Whether you are a strawberry fan, love the juiciness of blueberries or blackberries, or are a goji berry lover, you are in for a treat.

All kinds of berries are rich in nutrients and minerals. However, the best part about berries is they are loaded with antioxidants. They control free radicals and reduce skin wrinkling. These antioxidants also break down the collagen that helps your skin to remain firm. Ellagic acid is prevalent in the berry food group. It is responsible for most of the skin-related benefits.

2. Tomatoes

tomatoes good for skin

Tomatoes contain two powerful antioxidants and phytonutrients that protect your skin from sun damage. A study in the British Journal of Dermatology shows that participants who consumed tomatoes daily had 33 percent more protection against sunburn than those who did not.

Tomatoes are also known to prevent wrinkles. It is because they have a good quantity of water in them. Hence, they provide hydration to your skin and do not show signs of aging.

3. Fatty Fish

fatty fish good for skin

Experts advise avoiding fatty foods for people who have skin issues. However, fatty fish is a brilliant exception.

You should note that not all fats are the same. Some fats, like the fatty acid in fatty fish, are good for your skin. Be it salmon, mackerel, or herring, including one or more of them in your diet, can do wonders for your skin. They help in keeping your skin thick, supple, and moisturized. Its deficiency can cause dry skin.

Fatty fish also prevent your skin from redness and acne. It is rich in Vitamin E, which is an essential antioxidant for healthy skin.

4. Leafy Greens

vegetables leafy greens good for skin

Not everyone is a fan of the greens in their meals. However, leafy greens like spinach, kale, collard greens, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are a powerhouse of antioxidants and vitamins. They are rich in Vitamin A, which helps your skin from being dry and flaky. The Vitamin C in those leaves undo the sunburn damage to the skin. They also contain Vitamin E, which helps against fighting inflammation.

Spinach has Vitamin B9, which gives a plump skin. The Vitamin K in kale makes your skin radiant.

5. Watermelons

watermelon good for skin

Watermelon is a highly-hydrating fruit. The water content washes out all the toxins letting your skin breathe better. It may surprise you, but the high concentration of water can also reduce the puffiness around your eyes. The fruit also cuts down on oil secretion and gives a natural glow to your skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties prevent your skin from pimples.

6. Cucumber

cucumber good for skin

Cucumber has 96% water content. Imagine the soothing and hydrating effects this vegetable can have on your skin. It keeps your skin from getting rough, dry, and patchy. Its soothing impact reduces the redness of your skin and prevents sunburn.

Cucumber also maintains the oil balance of your skin. Hence, it keeps acne at bay. Its anti-inflammatory properties can heal inflamed and irritated skin and reduce skin inflammation. This vegetable is also highly rich in Vitamin C and helps in promoting skin brightness, reducing dark spots and blemishes.

7. Walnuts

walnuts improve skin care

Walnuts are highly-rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. These two maintain a good balance of fatty acids in the body and reduce inflammation in your skin. It is recommended because there are only a few food items that contain Omega-3 fatty acids.

Walnuts also contain a high quantity of zinc, vitamin E, selenium, and protein. All of these nutrients are essential to keep your skin healthy.

8. Avocados

avocado helps skin care

There is a reason why this exotic fruit is a popular skincare ingredient. Avocados are rich in healthy fats, which keep skin flexible and moisturized. With its Vitamin E content, it protects your skin from oxidative damage. It is also rich in Vitamin C, which keeps your skin happy and healthy.

The best part about avocados is that they penetrate cells at the deepest level. Hence, your skin gets a good dose of all the skin-friendly nutrients.

9. Sweet potatoes

sweet potato is good for skin

Sweet potatoes are a great source of Vitamin A. They help in reducing oil production in the skin and are used to treat acne. It also contains beta carotene that helps you keep your skin healthy by acting as a natural sunblock.

Beta carotene is an antioxidant that protects your skin cells from sun exposure. It prevents dry or wrinkled skin. One of the most interesting parts about sweet potatoes is they add a warm, orange color to your skin.

10. Dark Chocolate

dark chocolate is good for skin

Chocolate lovers, gather around! We are providing you with one more reason to eat dark chocolate.

The dominating ingredient in dark chocolate is cocoa. It is rich in antioxidants that help you experience thicker and more hydrated skin. Studies show that cocoa makes the skin less sensitive to sunburn and makes it less rough and scaly. Moreover, dark chocolate improves blood circulation, which makes your skin nutrient-rich.

You see how your diet is a defining factor for your skin. Include all these superfoods into your meals in a balanced way. They will help you get healthy, younger-looking, and happy skin.

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