What Causes Rosacea on Face and What You Should Do?

What Causes Rosacea on Face

Our face is often the first thing people notice in us when they meet. It is an essential aspect of our overall outlook and significantly affects our self-esteem. Facing any type of skin issue over your face can have a detrimental impact on your personality and leave you in a state of despair. Rosacea is one such skin condition!

If you spot acne-like bumps or if your blood vessels are quite visible on your face— you are likely to be suffering from Rosacea. A common skin issue faced by many across the globe, this condition leads to pus-filled breakouts all over your face.

The redness often comes for a few weeks or months and stays away for a while. Although Rosacea is primarily found in middle-aged women, it can affect anyone.

Medically, there hasn’t been any cure for Rosacea, but it can be treated and tamed with proper care and medication. This can help in reducing the effects of the condition and suppressing its symptoms. In this article, we’ll cover what causes Rosacea and how you can treat it effectively.

Causes of Rosacea on Face

Causes of Rosacea on Face

Affecting close to 16 million Americans already, Rosacea is a common yet troublesome skin condition. While its active cause is unknown, studies indicate immune systems, environmental aspects, and genes to be the reasons behind its origin. Let’s explore these causes in detail!

1. Genetic Factors

Rosacea-causing genes run in the family and can be a significant cause for their development in individuals. If any of your related family members have had Rosacea, it is highly likely that you will be affected by the condition.

Interference with the body’s natural defense mechanism enables Rosacea to affect someone. When the ability of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) is reduced, they are unable to protect skin cells from oxidative stress— leading to extensive cell inflammation and damage.

2. Effect of Bacteria

Your gut is home to a bacteria type known as H. pylori. Research indicates that this organism can possibly increase the amount of gastrin – the digestive hormone in your body – and result in flushed skin. This can also aggravate Rosacea and its visible symptoms.

3. Issues in Blood Vessels

Peculiar medical problems in your blood vessels can impart redness over your face. While various environmental activities can add fuel to the fire, these vessels also become highly evident when one is affected by Rosacea.

4. Mites Intolerance

A bacteria type called Demodex Folliculorum often lives on your skin. It isn’t harmful as such but can give significant reactions. People with a fear of mites and insensitivity towards them can have this type of irritate with their skin. This can also lead you to contract Rosacea and get extreme redness over your face.

Fortunately, it is a non-contagious disease and has no association with hygiene. Amongst many reasons that can aggravate the flare-ups, here are some of the most sought-after reasons:

5. Spicy Food

Spicy foods and hot drinks can trigger your Rosacea and worsen the redness over the face. Alcoholic drinks, especially red wine, can also increase breakouts and cause discomfort.

6. Extreme Temperatures

Whenever you expose your skin to an extreme environmental change, the chances of aggravating your Rosacea tend to increase. Sudden temperature alterations can irritate the skin and lead to bumps over the face.

Additionally, long hours in the sun or at a windy place can cause visible flushing over the cheek and forehead area.

7. Stress & Emotions

Being a genetically-influenced skin condition, your emotions and stress levels are sure to impact the activeness of Rosacea. It is possible that hormonal imbalances can affect your visible blood vessels.

Further, over-exercising or doing the wrong postures that do not suit your body also affects your Rosacea.

8. Cosmetic Products

Chemical-rich cosmetic products tend to engage with the skin cells and cause extreme redness. When these cosmetics are applied over severely-affected Rosacea, it can fire your breakouts and result in visible bumps.

How to Treat Rosacea?

How to Treat Rosacea?

Since there is no permanent cure for Rosacea, there are certain ways to deal with its symptoms. These can help in coping with the redness over your face and also bring relief to sudden, visible breakouts. Some of the most common and effective treatments for Rosacea include:

1. Good Quality Sunscreen

It is proven that exposure to the sun worsens your face bumps. To keep the skin healthy and deal with Rosacea effectively, always rely on a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to protect your already-sensitive skin.

You must also check for UVA and UVB ray’s blockage in your sunscreen that can last long and safeguard the affected area of the face. Along with this, you can also wear a wide-brimmed hat to cover your face completely.

2. Fragrance-free Skincare Products

Skincare is essential to replenish your skin cells and rejuvenate your face. While being affected by Rosacea, it becomes more than important to opt for products that do not irritate your skin.

Place your trust in alcohol and fragrance-free products that don’t go harsh on your skin.

3. Special Care for the Eyes

Rosacea can often irritate your eyes and cause redness and puffiness. It is advised to gently apply eyelid cleaner on your eyelids on a daily basis to settle down the redness. You can also have warm compresses on your eyes to help them heal faster.

4. Seek Medical Care

You can also back your home remedies with certain medical care suggested by your doctors.

These may include brimonidine to get rid of the redness by tightening the blood vessels and Isotretinoin that helps in clearing skin bumps. Avoid Isotretinoin during pregnancy since it can lead to severe birth defects.

Wrapping Up

Particular symptoms can help you identify if you are suffering from Rosacea. These can include a build-shaped nose, patchy and dry skin, visible bumps over your face, and redness on your eyelids.

Additionally, if you feel a burning sensation on your skin and have a problem in seeing, there are chances that you are affected by Rosacea.

As there is no cure for the condition, you must take all precautionary actions to avoid its aggravation. Make sure to follow your daily treatment to see better results!

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