How to Use Aloe Vera for Acne Scars?

How to Use Aloe Vera for Acne Scars

Popping a zit and scarring your face isn’t fun for your skin. This inappropriate habit leaves scars, and you end up struggling with the after-effects of acne breakout.

The good news is your dream of clear and acne-free skin is achievable with aloe vera.

Aloe vera is one of the most effective plant-based remedies for acne scars. The active ingredient in aloe vera gel is called acemannan. It contains plant sterols, vitamins A and E, amino acids, and enzymes that help heal damaged skin cells and regenerate healthy new ones.

This antioxidant-rich natural plant is a skin elixir. Whether you have dry, sensitive, oily, or combination skin, aloe vera can make your skin healthier and scar-free.

Here are the eight ways you can use aloe vera for your acne scars…

1. Apply Aloe Vera Gel Directly on Acne Scars

The best way to use aloe vera for scars is by applying it directly on the skin after a shower or any time of day. Make sure that it penetrates deep into your skin layers. Leave it on your skin for at least 15 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water to get the best results.

You can make aloe vera gel at home by cutting an aloe leaf open and scooping out the fleshy material inside. Blend this with water to make a gel, or use it as it is if you want a thicker consistency.

Many people realize that they don’t need any additional moisturizer after applying aloe vera gel. It’s because of its ability to help keep moisture in the skin for longer periods than other gels or creams.

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2. Mix It With Essential Oils

You can also mix aloe vera gel with other essential oils like tea tree oil or lavender oil. They have antifungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties and help wound healing. It also helps reduce inflammation and redness caused by acne scars.

Mix the oils with the gel and use it as a moisturizer. Remember, do not use oils that you’re allergic to.

3. Use It Along With Rose Water

Use aloe vera gel with rose water for effective results. Mix aloe vera gel and rose water and apply it over your face as a face pack at night before going to bed. It will help soothe the scars while healing them from the inside out.

Use a cotton pad or ball to apply aloe vera gel on acne scars. You should avoid applying too much pressure as it may irritate you if you have sensitive skin.

4. Make a Night Cream With Beeswax and Rose Water

To make a night cream for your acne scars, take equal parts of beeswax and rosewater in a bowl and heat them until they melt together into a smooth mixture. Add half as much aloe vera gel to this mixture and mix well until all the ingredients combine into one cream consistency paste. You can add more beeswax or rosewater if needed, but don’t make it too runny or thick. Otherwise, it won’t work well on your skin.

Store this cream in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Apply it daily before going to bed. Using it can increase blood flow to the skin tissue underneath the scar tissue, improving skin regeneration and boosting repair.

Read: 10 Rules How to Wash Your Face Properly to Prevent Acne

5. Use Aloe Vera Gel With Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a plant extract made from the leaves and bark of the witch hazel shrub. The extract contains tannins, which are astringents that help close pores, remove excess oil, and tighten skin tissue, making it less prone to acne breakouts. It also helps fade scars by increasing blood flow to damaged skin cells.

Mix one part witch hazel with two parts aloe vera gel in a bottle or container. Shake well before using this mixture as it may separate over time due to the different densities of the two ingredients. Apply this mixture twice daily for two weeks, then continue applying it once daily until you see results.

6. Make Aloe Vera, Honey, and Cinnamon Face Mask

Honey has antibacterial properties which help kill bacteria on your face while moisturizing and soothing your skin.

Cinnamon is a natural blemish remover – it cleanses your face and reduces redness in pimples.

Here’s how to use aloe vera, honey, and cinnamon to make an acne scars treatment mask:

  • Cut open the aloe vera leaf to extract its gel. You can use the entire leaf or just the inner part if it’s too big for your face.
  • Mix some honey with the gel to obtain a paste consistency. Add more honey if necessary until you get the desired texture. You may need some practice before getting it right.
  • Stir in some cinnamon powder until you get a uniform mixture with no lumps or clumps left over from mixing the ingredients.
  • Mix all the ingredients into a smooth paste that applies evenly over your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes after rinsing it off with warm water.

7. Try Aloe Vera and Lemon Juice Face Mask

To make this mask, arrange a fresh aloe leaf, lemon juice, and honey.

Take an aloe leaf and remove its slimy gel from it. Now mix two teaspoons of lemon juice with one teaspoon of honey in a bowl, then add the gel from the aloe leaf to it.

Apply this paste to your face and let it dry for 10 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

8. Make Aloe Vera Antibacterial Spray

Make an aloe vera antibacterial spray at home using aloe vera, purified water, and non-toxic essential oil.

Here are the ingredients:

  • One tablespoon of aloe vera gel
  • Three tablespoons of purified water
  • Two drops of lavender essential oil
  • Mix all three ingredients and fill the mixture in a small spray bottle.

Use this spray as a toner on your face.

There are multiple ways to use aloe vera for acne scars, and it’s worth experimenting with all of them in your time.

Regardless of which method you choose, these practical solutions can make a big difference in skin health, especially when it comes to lessening the appearance of your acne scars.

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