These 10 Nuts and Seeds Are Best For Your Skin

nuts and seeds that are best for skin care

Taking care of your nutritional needs is essential for your body. Your diet can make a substantial difference in your metabolism rate, energy levels, weight, and health of different organs. One of these organs is your skin, which also happens to be the largest one.

Most of us turn to skincare products to take care of our skin. However, even though skincare and beauty products are abundant in the cosmetic industry to make your skin shinier and plumper, everything bottles down to what food you consume.

While beauty products can help you with external skin issues, the secret to healthy skin lies in a person’s diet.

We know what you must be thinking – we will list some healthy but tasteless items that no one likes. However, to your surprise, some crunchy and nutty delicacies can help your skin glow.

In this guide, we are listing ten nuts and seeds that you should consume to keep your skin healthy, and glowing.

1. Walnuts

Walnuts have excellent properties that make them a healthy nut choice for your skin. These earthy and slightly-bitter flavored nuts are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

While the latter ones have an inflammatory effect on your skin if consumed too much, the former ones balance it by reducing the inflammation.

Moreover, omega-3 fatty acids regulate your skin’s oil production and keep your skin from getting rough and dry by balancing hydration.

Walnuts also have a high content of zinc, which is necessary for your skin for wound healing and combating both bacteria and inflammation. Plus, they are rich in vitamin E and selenium.

2. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are a low-fat nut, and hence, aren’t heavy on your stomach. However, they are healthy for your skin. Not only that, due to their high soluble fiber content, they are very filling.

Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 and hence, contain anti-inflammatory properties. They are most beneficial because of their gelling effect. It keeps your skin plumped-up and wrinkle-free. The seeds are also rich in minerals and Vitamin B and promote the growth of nails and hair.

3. Almonds

Almonds are nutrition-packed nuts and are very beneficial for your skin. They are rich in vitamin E that keeps your skin hydrated and prevent acne, eczema, and dark spots. Besides that, almonds are a protein-rich nut and boost collagen production, which keeps your skin wrinkle-free and glowing.

Almonds also have high levels of zinc, copper, vitamin B1, B5, B6, calcium, and healthy monosaturated fats. On top of that, it has magnesium which supports your nervous system and helps you with anxiety and stress. You should note that a toll on mental health impacts your skin.

Fun fact – while we think of almonds as nuts, botanically, they are not nuts but seeds.

4. Flax Seeds

Flax seeds, also known as linseeds, are a must-add for healthy and radiant skin. They are a great source of fiber, omega-3 fats, vitamin E, and B vitamins.

According to a study, consumption of flaxseed reduces the degree of skin sensitivity. The female participants involved in the study experienced changes in their skin after consuming a flaxseed oil supplement for 12 weeks. Some of them are more hydrated skin, smoother surface, and reduced roughness of skin.

5. Sunflower Seeds

According to the reports from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, sunflower seeds contain zinc and vitamin E. They help in protecting your skin cells. Moreover, sunflower seeds are rich in iron and copper that support blood flow in your body.

One of the unique properties of sunflower seeds is they help in preventing the breakdown of collagen seeds. This further prevents abnormal collagen growth and skin diseases.

6. Chestnuts

Chestnuts are among the few nuts that are rich in vitamin C. In just a quarter of a cup of chestnuts, you get 30 percent of it. It prevents the collagen from breaking down, which keeps your skin healthy and safe from skin conditions. And they are also good for the immune system.

These nuts are fat-free. Hence, one can digest them easily. They are also rich in vitamin B1 and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on your skin.

7. Pumpkin Seeds

These slightly-sweet gems are beneficial for preventing and reducing skin inflammation. They are extremely rich in iron, magnesium, and contain more protein than an egg per 1/4 cup.

Furthermore, its zinc content helps reduce wrinkle lines and acne. They also strengthen your immune system. By fighting off invaders and free radicals that disrupt healthy collagen production, they keep your skin healthy.

8. Hemp Seeds

Your skin will love hemp seeds as they are nutrient-packed seeds. Being a plant-based powerhouse of nutrients, it has all the right content in it to support your skin and keep it healthy.

Hemp seeds contain more protein than meat in one ounce. They also provide a rich dose of fiber, chlorophyll, vitamin E, iron, and magnesium.

You can use them as toppings in your smoothies, cookies, sauces, or any other breakfast meal you please.

9. Pine Nuts

You must have heard about the benefits of pine nut oil as people recommend using it for massage therapy. These delicious nuts have healing properties and can reduce the symptoms of several skin conditions, such as itching, psoriasis, pimples, eczema, scabies, and sores.

The nuts are rich in amino acids and several other nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin E, copper, iron, manganese, and phosphorus. They revive your skin by removing dead skin cells and giving it a revitalized and fresh look.

10. Pistachios

Pistachios have phenolic antioxidant compounds, which makes them extraordinary skincare food. Its plant-based flavanols protect your skin from damaged skin cells.

With a high concentration of Vitamin E, it controls acne and treats skin scars. Pistachios also improve skin elasticity and make your skin look more radiant, shinier, and youth-looking. It also contains hyaluronic acid, which keeps your skin hydrated and prevents it from getting dry.

What could be an easier way to take care of your skin than popping a few crunchy and delicious treats. Include nuts and seeds in your diet and leverage their skin-heavy benefits.

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