Questions About Vitiligo – The Do’s and Don’ts

vitiligo question do and don't

Some diseases affect people physically, emotionally, and mentally, too. One such is Vitiligo, an autoimmune disease in which the patient’s cells attack the skin’s pigment.

This disease can be identified by irregular white patches all over the skin. However, if one has proper knowledge about the disease, it can be controlled to some extent. On the other hand, people who try to treat it without the appropriate medications can even worsen the condition.

Here we have covered the most commonly asked questions and their answers so that people can get educated:

Vitiligo – Overview

It is a condition in which the skin loses its pigment, resulting in white irregular patches all over the body. It can also be observed on eyes and hair in some cases, although this is uncommon.

In research, it is found that 1% of the total world population suffers from Vitiligo. Around 2-5 million people in the US have Vitiligo. It is said that people can get this disease at any age, and however, most people are diagnosed in their mid-twenties.

Read: How Does Vitiligo Start and What Are the Symptoms

Most Common Questions About Vitiligo

Most Common Questions About Vitiligo

1. What are the causes and symptoms of Vitiligo?

Since Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease, the self cells of the body start attacking the melanin-forming cells of the body. Melanin is the pigment that gives color to the skin, eyes, and hair. Thus, the skin starts turning white due to a lack of melanin. Some doctors and researchers say that it can also be caused due genetic composition or severe sunburn.

If you are wondering what the symptoms of Vitiligo are, let us guide you here. The most common symptom of Vitiligo is the appearance of white patches on the skin. In the initial stage, the patches appear only on one side or some body parts. However, they can spread slowly or rapidly. Vitiligo rarely covers more than 80% of the body.

Read: 10 Most Common Factors That Might Cause Vitiligo

2. Can Vitiligo be treated?

Though a person suffering from Vitiligo rarely gets cured completely. However, certain medications can reduce the spread. They include laser therapy, depigmentation, light therapy, skin grafting. Such treatments can even restore the original skin color but not in all cases.

3. Can Vitiligo cause death?

No, in most cases, a genetic disease cannot cause death. In the case of Vitiligo, it only attacks the pigment-producing cells of the skin, and it can not be contagious.

4. Can there be any side effects of Vitiligo?

The white patches of Vitiligo tend to make the skin more sensitive. A person with Vitiligo cannot sit in the sun for long since there can be heavy sunburns. A person with Vitiligo can even face anxiety and depression since it can be challenging to communicate with people in fear of being judged.

5. Are there some types of Vitiligo?

Yes, Vitiligo is classified into five major categories based on the location of the patches on the body. The types are universal, focal, acro, generalized, facial, and segmental.

6. Can Vitiligo cause any other diseases?

Although Vitiligo cannot cause other diseases, it can be associated with specific conditions such as thyroid. Almost 30 to 40 percent of vitiligo patients can be diagnosed with hypothyroidism. It is seen that most diseases related to Vitiligo are autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, pernicious anemia, and rheumatoid arthritis.

7. Can we prevent Vitiligo?

Since Vitiligo cannot be predicted, there is no way it can be prevented. However, some factors increase the chances of Vitiligo; thus, by preventing these, Vitiligo can be prevented. The factors include sunburn, stress, exposure to radiation and chemicals, and using phenol and synthetic oils.

Read: How to Prevent Vitiligo and Stop It From Spreading

8. Can stress increase the chances of Vitiligo?

Yes, stress can increase the chances of Vitiligo, and however, it cannot be the sole reason for the disease. Vitiligo is caused due to some genetic variations, and stress can trigger it to cause Vitiligo.

Do’s and Don’ts of Vitiligo

Do's and Don'ts of Vitiligo

Here are some of the dermatologist’s recommendations for people suffering from Vitiligo. Keep these into consideration to deal with your Vitiligo problem.

1. Use sunscreen every day

As a patient of Vitiligo, you can be more prone to sunburns; thus, apply sunscreen to protect the uncovered areas of the skin. Apply sunscreen 15 – 20 minutes before stepping out in the sun for maximum benefits, and reapply after excessive sweating. Choose a high-quality sunscreen having SPF 30 and higher to avoid sun damage and save your skin from further long-term damage. You can also consult with your dermatologist and learn which sunscreen will help you beat harmful sun radiations.

2. Do not use skin sensitive products

In most cases, Vitiligo people tend to cover the white patches with some color or makeup. However, since the skin is sensitive, some of these products can worsen the sensitivity and irritate. Thus, it is better only to use the products recommended by a dermatologist.

3. Do not get tattooed

People with Vitiligo should avoid getting a tattoo. This is because tattooing the skin can lead to the Koerner phenomenon, and the tattooed skin will get a new patch of Vitiligo in some days. So, avoid tattoos if you do not want any more white patches.

4. Wear Long-Sleeved and Baggy Clothes

To manage your Vitiligo effectively, we recommend you wear full-sleeved and loose-fitting clothes. Just like sunscreen, these are ideal to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UVA/UVB rays.

5. Get in touch with others having Vitiligo

It is not easy to deal with Vitiligo, and this is because you are constantly stared at and looked down on, and children with Vitiligo are even bullied in schools. So, to be in a good space, connect with others having Vitiligo as it will not just get unemotional support, but one can even share their journey and discuss things that are wired for them.

Read: 7 Things That Will Make Vitiligo Worse

It is impossible to treat Vitiligo completely, many patients decide not to see a dermatologist. However, not taking medications can lead to the rapid spread of the disease. Thus, it is crucial for people with Vitiligo to regularly consult a dermatologist like we consult doctors for other medical issues.

Read: How Common is Vitiligo and Whom Might Gets It?

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