Should You Apply Aloe Vera on Face Every Day?

Should You Apply Aloe Vera on Face Every Day

Hailing from the cactus family, Aloe Vera is famous for its medicinal and cosmetic uses. You can literally find everything here, from Vitamin A, B, C, and E, antioxidants, and amino acids, to mention a few. Its gel-like component and the fact that 98% of it is water give it skin healing properties.

It now makes sense why our parents will use it on our skins whenever we have a burn or breakout. Currently, you will often find it as an ingredient in cleansers and moisturizers.

Now, the big question is, despite the many benefits it provides, should you apply aloe vera on the face every day? Stick around; we will answer you in a bit!

Applying Aloe Vera on Face Every Day? What Do You Think?

Aloe Vera has tons of healing benefits for your face. Even before we look at them, you may wonder, is it safe to apply aloe to the face every day? The simple answer is yes!

This is a safe and natural product to use on your face. The highest percentage of an ingredient in aloe is water; on top of this, it offers different minerals, elements, and nutrients geared to making your face better and radiant.

If you can use it correctly and maybe add some ingredients, it will solve any skin ailments you have. Also, with consistency, your skin will be glowing. So, it’s entirely safe for everyday use.

Aloe Vera Benefits – Why Use It On Your Face?

You will undoubtedly derive the most benefits from using Aloe Vera on your face. It has all the Vitamins and phytonutrients that will help your skin thrive. Here are several reasons why you should not stop using it!

1. It Keeps your Skin Hydrated

No one wants to walk around with a dull-looking face. Aloe Vera serves as a natural moisturizer, perfect for dry skins. It will still work well if yours is oily since the gel will absorb seamlessly into your face.

Its light texture makes it perfect for acne-prone skin too. You might consider applying it after washing your face instead of the usual moisturizer.

Read: Dehydrated Skin: The 9 Main Causes You Should Know

2. Subdues Sunburns

Aloe Vera works like magic when you have sunburns. It features a powerful polysaccharide compound that encourages skin repair and allows new cells to pop up. Its vitamins and nutrients also help in treating these burns.

Another component, carboxypeptidase, in this plant provides ultra-calming effects for soothing your face. While Aloe Vera is helpful when you have sunburns, this should not mean that you leave your SPF out! Always wear it!

3. Eradicates Dead Cells

If you have dead cells on your face, use aloe. You can mix it up with your usual scrub for maximum benefits.

In this case, it works by ensuring that the skin’s natural oils are retained even after scrubbing. You will notice how radiating your skin will be after using it.

4. Mitigates Skin Irritation

Does your skin flare up for some reason? Worry not! Aloe Vera helps fix the redness and itchiness on your sensitive face. It has cooling properties that soothe the irritations on such skins.

Also, the Acemannan compound has anti-fungal features that deal with the heat boils. Always have it when out in the sun.

5. Manages Dark Circles

These are always annoying! Thankfully, aloe vera can help fight them to give you a better-looking face. The antioxidant and Vitamin E features will light the discoloration around your eyes. At the same time, their chill effect works on the puffiness, if you have any.

Read: Dark Circles Under Eyes: 7 Main Causes and Treatment

6. Has Anti-Aging Properties

Don’t we all fear wrinkles, a saggy neck, and smile lines? However, it’s hard to escape this stage as you age, especially if you are not keen on your skincare routine. The good thing is that aloe vera will tackle this.

Consistently applying it reduces noticeable wrinkles, gives the face brilliance, and retains moisture. Besides, it restores skin elasticity and repairs the cells by preventing premature aging.

7. Deals with Acne

Usually, acne is triggered by bacteria; that’s why you get pimples. It is stubborn, to say the least. Even so, aloe can fight it – thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Applying aloe vera jelly prevents them and also makes the healing process faster. Do not cease using the gel once the pimples are gone; and, it will also manage the blemishes leaving you with clear skin.

Read: How to Use Aloe Vera for Acne Scars

How to Use Aloe Vera on Face – Choose the Best Method for Maximum Benefits

Clearly, aloe vera offers the best solutions to problematic faces. Now, the big challenge that most people face is how to use it. Take a look at the following ways for healthy and undamaged skin.

1. Use it Directly on Your Face

Can you access fresh aloe vera? If you can, there is no harm in applying it directly to your face. You cut the aloe vera leaf, remove the thorns, and smear the gel.

You can also squeak some amounts with a knife and blend them until smooth. Then rub it on your face and neck at night. Once you wake up, wash it off.

2. Skincare Products Made With Aloe Vera

The first step when doing any skincare routine is cleansing. The best way to utilize it in this step is by looking for a cleanser that has it as its top ingredient.

Then look for a moisturizer that has Aloe Vera. The same case applies to the sunscreen you choose to use. This way, you are sure to derive all the benefits that aloe vera has on top of what other ingredients in these products have.

Read: How to Use Aloe Vera for Skin Whitening

3. Mix Aloe Vera With Other Ingredients

If you want your skin to be supple, you can make a face mask using Aloe Vera gel, cucumber, and honey. Blend these items, then apply them to your face. Leave it to rest for 20 minutes before washing it off.

For sensitive skins, mix your get with a banana and rose water. Spread the mixture around your face and leave it to dry. Afterward, wash it and moisturize your skin.

Wrapping Up

Aloe vera offers a lot – clearing acne, reducing wrinkles, soothing skin, giving it a glow, and more. Do not miss out on this vitamin-rich plant. It’s safe to use on the skin, so, it’s no problem if you apply it to your face daily.

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