Dehydrated Skin: The 9 Main Causes You Should Know

what causes dehydrated skin

Do you know that skin is the largest organ of the body? And just like the rest of our body, it is mostly made up of water. 64%, to be precise!

However, have you ever wondered what happens when your skin gets dehydrated? Whether you have dry skin, oily skin, or a combination skin type, your skin can suffer from the problem of dehydration.

The water deficiency can cause your skin to feel more flaky and sensitive than usual. It can also rip you off of the natural radiance of your skin. Your skin may start to feel uncomfortable, especially after bathing.

If you are wondering what causes skin dehydration, you are at the right place. In this guide, we are listing the main causes why your skin gets dehydrated.

Related: Dehydrated Skin VS Dry Skin: The Differences and Remedy

1. Environmental Factors

Your skin can be sensitive to external and environmental factors. One of them is temperature fluctuations. Too much cold rips your skin off the moisture. The chilly weather forces us to use central heating systems. But they heat the room by sucking moisture out of the air, being a nightmare for your skin.

The dust and pollution have the same impact on your skin. The skin absorbs the pollutants. Some of them penetrate too deep into the skin layers, resulting in dehydration.

2. Alcohol Consumption

alcohol consumption can cause dehydrated skin

Have you ever noticed how your body needs more water after you have a glass or two of your favorite alcoholic drink? If you do not provide enough water, the next day is the hangover day.

Alcohol dehydrates your body and your skin. It is diuretic by definition, which means it actively forces water out of your system. To make the matter worse, it makes the reabsorption of water difficult too. Your body’s water level reduces significantly, and it causes your skin to get dry and flaky.

Along with fine lines and wrinkles from dehydration, your skin can also face breakouts and puffiness.

Read: How Drinking Alcohol Can Affect Your Skin

3. Smoking

It is no secret that smoking is detrimental to your body. Tobacco smoke consists of more than 4000 chemicals. Many of them damage collagen and elastin fibers that give your skin strength and elasticity. Smoking, and even second-hand smoking, degrades the building block of your skin.

Smoking also reduces the levels of Vitamin A and Vitamin C in your body. The former repairs your skin, and the latter helps in absorbing iron. It causes dryness, dehydration, and speeds up aging.

4. Diet

food that causes dehydrated skin

Your skin gets affected the most by what you feed it. First and foremost, your body and skin need water to stay hydrated. If you are not drinking enough glasses of water in a day, it will affect your skin and cause dehydration.

Furthermore, a poor diet can lead to skin dehydration. You need to be mindful of what you eat and how much you eat to be hydrated at all times. Too much intake of salty food and caffeine causes cell dehydration and leaves your skin deflated. The same goes for processed foods and sugar.

To avoid skin dehydration, incorporate nutrient-dense food into your diet that hydrates your skin.

Read: 10 Best Foods for Natural Skin Repair According to Dermatologist

5. Travel

Have you ever noticed that your skin feels dry when you take a long flight? It is because the air inside the airplane is extremely dry. There is less oxygen for your body, and the humidity is around 20%. Your skin needs 40-70% of humidity to be comfortable. All of this leads to sucking moisture out of your skin.

Your skin also feels dehydrated because of the high altitudes. When you are in a mountainous area, the oxygen levels decrease. You are forced to breathe harder, which creates more vapor leading to dehydration.

6. Aging

As you age, your skin slows down the production of natural oils and cell turnover. It is also damaged by the sun and weather. Your age also affects hormones and hormonal imbalance often affects the skin.

Moreover, your skin produces less collagen and hyaluronic acid. It leads the skin to lose its elasticity and becomes rougher. All of these elements cause the skin to get dehydrated.

7. Skincare

skincare products cause dehydrated skin

Apart from food, the creams you put on your skin directly impact the water content of your skin. If you are using harsh skincare products, do not be surprised if your skin gets dehydrated. Several skincare products contain chemical elements that contain dehydrating and irritating substances. Acne-treating skincare products generally include retinol, glycolic acid, and benzoyl peroxide, which contributes to dehydration.

If you are using products that include harmful chemicals as ingredients, make sure that you use the right skincare products with it that reduce the effects of other chemicals.

8. Water Quality

The tap water quality impacts your skin’s health significantly. If the water is hard and contains high concentrations of magnesium, lead, or zinc, it can cause dehydration to your skin. These hard metals deprive your skin of natural oils. Furthermore, they turn the oil into a substance that harms your skin by clogging pores and causing acne. Moreover, it prevents the skin from absorbing moisture.

Apart from the water quality, the water temperature also impacts the hydration of your skin. Too much hot water strips your skin of natural oils and leaves the skin dehydrated and dull.

9. Stress

Emotional factors also play a vital role in determining the health of your skin. Too much stress, anxiety, or fatigue can impact the health and hydration of your skin.

Stress produces a hormone called cortisol in your body. It decreases the ability of your skin to absorb water. High-stress levels also lead to a decrease in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. It causes moisture loss in the skin. Hence, your skin becomes dull and dehydrated. Make it a note to drink plenty of water when you are stressed to keep your skin bright and hydrated.

Read: 6 Ways Stress Is Messing With Your Skin

Your skin is highly sensitive to water deficiencies. To ensure it stays hydrated, you need to be committed to its health. Keep the above dehydrating factors in mind and take necessary precautions for your skin.

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