5 Main Causes of Shiny and Oily Forehead

Causes of Shiny and Oily Forehead

You may have an oily forehead, skin, and even hair. But why? What causes this? And what can you do to alleviate it?

Getting a shiny, oily, and acne-prone forehead is hard to deal with. People try various remedies, but nothing seems to work for long. So we have asked our experts about the five major causes of this skin condition.

Our face becomes shiny due to internal and external reasons. Several factors cause a shiny forehead, including hereditary issues, unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, hormonal changes, and diseases. One must know the root cause to prevent the appearance of a shiny forehead.

And here are the 5 major causes of the shiny and oily forehead…

1. Hormonal Changes

1. Hormonal Changes

During Puberty

If you are over 16 years, you might have noticed that your forehead gets greasy and shiny when you are stressed or upset. During this age, the body is going through a dramatic change.

There is an increase in estrogen and progesterone hormones that are responsible for regulating oil production in the skin. For this reason, you may notice that your forehead gets greasy when you start menstruating or feel stressed.

During Pregnancy or Menopause

Hormonal instabilities can also cause excess sebum production in older women. Sometimes it is due to an overactive sebaceous gland, which gets triggered by stress, pregnancy, or menopause.

While this is not necessarily a real problem, it can lead to acne breakouts if you do not know how to manage your skin properly. If you have an oily forehead, try following a healthy lifestyle to reduce excess oil production.

Oral Contraceptives and Hormone Replacement Therapy

Oral contraceptives and hormone replacement medication can be a culprit in oily skin and shiny forehead as they disturb the hormonal balance.

When you take oral contraceptives, your body produces more oil on your scalp and face. It can cause greasy skin and increased shine.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is also associated with excess oil production. The hormones that come from these medications can lead to increased sebum production, making the forehead look shiny and greasy.

It is especially true if you use birth control pills or HRT, which often contain estrogen and progesterone.

When you stop using these medications, your skin may become even dryer and less oily than before.

2. Use of Wrong Skin Care Products

2. Use of Wrong Skin Care Products

You should use skin care products as per your skin type and weather around.

The first step is to take a look at your skincare routine. Are you using the right cleanser? What about moisturizer and makeup? These all can be the secret behind oily skin.

Using Harsh Cleansers

One of the main reasons your skin becomes oily easily is the use of the wrong face cleanser. Some people think they can avoid oily skin by washing their face with soap or using harsh facial cleansers, but this is not true.

Exfoliating your skin too often can also lead to a shiny forehead and make it even more prone to oiliness. So if you have oily skin, it is better to use only gentle cleansers or facial scrubs and not aggravate your situation further.

Read: How Often Should You Exfoliate Your Face? 7 Expert Tips

Also, avoid products that contain alcohols or drying agents, such as drying clay, that can dry out your skin further.

Skipping Moisturizer

If you have oily skin, it can be tempting to skip moisturizer altogether in the summertime. But this is a mistake!

If you stop moisturizing your skin, you may be doing more harm than good because moisturizers are crucial in keeping your skin young and healthy. Your skin needs proper moisture to balance its natural oils and prevent breakouts and dryness.

Moisturizers come in various forms, like creams, lotions, serums, and oil. You may use only one type of moisturizer, but it is suggested to use different types of moisturizers throughout the year. Because skin has different needs in different weather of the year. If you already have oily skin, use water-based moisturizer throughout the year.

3. Heat and Humidity

3. Heat and Humidity

The skin on the forehead is highly sensitive to the environment. The weather, humidity, and temperature play a huge role in causing oily skin on that part.

In summer, when we get into high temperatures and humidity, the glands of our forehead produce an excessive amount of sweat. This sweat builds up on your skin and causes it to become shiny and oily. It also naturally gives you a tan, which only makes matters worse. If you have dry skin, you will notice that it becomes shiny and greasy when exposed to heat or moisture.

4. Poor Diet

4. Poor Diet

One of the prime causes of an oily forehead is a poor diet. Overconsumption of fried foods, dairy products, and sugar can result in the production of excess sebum. It means a diet that is high in fat and low in fiber is a big no. The body needs fiber to remove waste from the colon and keep the digestive tract moving.

Also, stop drinking alcohol as it increases oil production in the body. It will lead to a shiny forehead and acne breakouts.

A healthy diet with plenty of fruits, veggies, and whole grains can help reduce oily skin on the face by giving you more control over your hormones and metabolism.

Read: 10 Best Foods for Natural Skin Repair According to Expert

5. Genetics

5. Genetics

Genetics is also one of the factors contributing to oily skin. If you have family members who also have oily skin, your genes are likely responsible for the condition.

If you’re not sure if genetics is a cause of your oily forehead, take a look at your parents and grandparents. If they were all born with oily skin, there’s a chance you inherited the condition from them.

Your genes can also play a role in the development of acne, another common skin condition with an oily forehead.

We hope this article helped you discover the cause of your oily forehead and how to make your forehead less oily. Follow these advice pieces and you will quickly solve your oily forehead problem.

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